All characters progress at the same rate.
0 lvl 0 825 lvl 11
20 lvl 1 950 lvl 12
50 lvl 2 1100 lvl 13
100 lvl 3 1250 lvl 14
150 lvl 4 1400 lvl 15
200 lvl 5 1600 lvl 16
300 lvl 6 1800 lvl 17
400 lvl 7 2000 lvl 18
500 lvl 8 2250 lvl 19
600 lvl 9 2500 lvl 20
700 lvl 10
At level 1 players pick which type of character they want to play: Warrior, Scholar or Survivalist, also if their bonus number count* is less than 0 they can choose an additional perk for every increment up to three; ie a player with a -1 bonus number count can choose 1 perk, a player with a -3 can choose 3 perks, a player with a -15 can choose 3 perks.
Starting at level 3 and at each additional odd numbered level, a player can choose 1 perk OR raise one of the 6 main stats 1 point (18 max).
*referring to the sum of the bonuses on the 6 main stats when the character is initially rolled
Doling out the xp
Showing up on time - 1d10 bonus xp at the beginning of the session
Victory** in an encounter - 1 xp
Clever solutions to problems - 1 xp
Finding decent secrets - 1 xp
Victory** in a boss battle/extremely difficult encounter - 5 xp
Completing quests - 10 xp
**victory doesn't explicitly mean murder; victory can be achieved through talking, evasion, trapping etc
With the exception of the showing up on time bonus, all xp is given out at the end of the session
the heap
fantasy junkyard
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
Everybody's got one
This is the maiden post of my diy/homebrew/trainwreck rpg. Name TBD because I can't think of anything that's clever or sounds cool. maybe I'll figure out a cool three word name using TBD so I won't have to change the tags later. It's a mashup of olde tyme d&d, some savage worlds and fallout with a bit of sbvd and maybe some other stuff from other places*??
The main stats (3d6 per, down the line or assign to taste):
strength - brute force, bonus affects fighting damage and saves vs. immobilization or crushing
dexterity - balance, agility, bonus affects melee and ranged to-hit number and reflex type saves
constitution - hardiness, general physical well-being, bonus affects hp and saves vs. poison or disease
intelligence - understanding lore, magic, languages or artifacts, bonus affects saves vs. confusion or other mind-altering situations
charisma - number and loyalty of retainers/hirelings, bonus affects saves vs. social faux pas?? (haha it could happen)
willpower** - magic, bonus affects spell dice and saves vs. magic
rolled # |bonus
3 |-3
4-5 |-2
6-8 |-1
9-12 |0
13-15 |+1
16-17 |+2
18 |+3
At this point, add up all the bonuses. If the total is -4 or worse the player may choose to roll up another character.
other stats:
HP - all lvl 0 pcs start with 8 (modified by con)
AC - ascending AC, all lvl 0 pcs start with 8 (modified by armor)
to-hit bonus/damage - dex bonus/damage defined by weapon type
save - single save number, all lvl 0 pcs start with 15
spell dice - die type used when casting spells, all lvl 0 pcs start with a 1d6
movement*** - die type used when moving during encounters, determined by chart below (roll 2d12)
rolled # |die type
2 |d4
3-5 |d6
6-8 |d8
9-11 |d10
12 |d12
Characters start out at lvl 0 and have no adventurer type until they reach lvl 1. Adventurer type will be covered in a later post.
*In this post or any others dealing with this game if I've unintentionally stolen anything lemme know.
**Willpower replaces wisdom b/c it's always been a fiddly bit I was never happy about. Intelligence and willpower will work together to make a pretty neato magic system imo. Once I get around to the post about how magic works in the game it'll make sense.. maybe.
***Yeah it's pretty gamey but I have a hard time visualizing things and the people I've played with enjoy rolling dice AND I'll have a shitload of minis to use in the upcoming months (thank you based reaper kickstarter)
The main stats (3d6 per, down the line or assign to taste):
strength - brute force, bonus affects fighting damage and saves vs. immobilization or crushing
dexterity - balance, agility, bonus affects melee and ranged to-hit number and reflex type saves
constitution - hardiness, general physical well-being, bonus affects hp and saves vs. poison or disease
intelligence - understanding lore, magic, languages or artifacts, bonus affects saves vs. confusion or other mind-altering situations
charisma - number and loyalty of retainers/hirelings, bonus affects saves vs. social faux pas?? (haha it could happen)
willpower** - magic, bonus affects spell dice and saves vs. magic
rolled # |bonus
3 |-3
4-5 |-2
6-8 |-1
9-12 |0
13-15 |+1
16-17 |+2
18 |+3
At this point, add up all the bonuses. If the total is -4 or worse the player may choose to roll up another character.
other stats:
HP - all lvl 0 pcs start with 8 (modified by con)
AC - ascending AC, all lvl 0 pcs start with 8 (modified by armor)
to-hit bonus/damage - dex bonus/damage defined by weapon type
save - single save number, all lvl 0 pcs start with 15
spell dice - die type used when casting spells, all lvl 0 pcs start with a 1d6
movement*** - die type used when moving during encounters, determined by chart below (roll 2d12)
rolled # |die type
2 |d4
3-5 |d6
6-8 |d8
9-11 |d10
12 |d12
Characters start out at lvl 0 and have no adventurer type until they reach lvl 1. Adventurer type will be covered in a later post.
*In this post or any others dealing with this game if I've unintentionally stolen anything lemme know.
**Willpower replaces wisdom b/c it's always been a fiddly bit I was never happy about. Intelligence and willpower will work together to make a pretty neato magic system imo. Once I get around to the post about how magic works in the game it'll make sense.. maybe.
***Yeah it's pretty gamey but I have a hard time visualizing things and the people I've played with enjoy rolling dice AND I'll have a shitload of minis to use in the upcoming months (thank you based reaper kickstarter)
Friday, August 31, 2012
We've been in the "LAST DAYS" for over 2000 years
batton down the hatches one of these times just HAS to be the end, right?
batton down the hatches one of these times just HAS to be the end, right?
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Jombi Idol
While treading in places rumored to be haunted or cursed or for unknown reasons abandoned, occasionally one will pass this small shrine. Typically placed on an altar or dais this small box with strange jagged doors, which are always open, contains a cyan skull with a red bejeweled turban. Scattered about this idol are many small trinkets of varying degrees of value.
It is said that these idols are collectors for Jombi, a god that demands tribute from all who pass before him. One who passes by a Jombi idol without leaving something as tribute will have bad luck, one who takes Jombi's gifts is accursed, and one who takes the idol itself is doomed.
If a pc passes by a Jombi idol without paying tribute, at some inopportune moment when they need to roll dice have them roll a random different die type than what is called for. To determine which die to use roll a d6 where 1=d4, 2=d6, 3=d8, 4=d10, 5=d12, 6=d20. Do this two or three times during the session. The bad luck runs out after this.
If a pc decides to steal any of the trinkets around the idol, every roll they make will be made with a random die type using the method posted above. The only way to remove this curse is to return the trinket along with every possession the pc has to the idol it was stolen from. If the pc dies before this can be accomplished, in 1d4 days the head of the dead pc will go missing and a new Jombi idol will appear where the pc died.
If a pc decides to steal the idol itself, in 1d4 days the pc will wake up headless (no save) with a new Jombi idol at their feet. The stolen idol will disappear from inventory to be restored to its original location. At this point, the dead pc and all his possessions will be considered property of Jombi and attempting to remove either the body or anything it has will result in that pc being cursed (see above).
![]() |
10000 hours in paint. meka leka hi meka hiney ho |
It is said that these idols are collectors for Jombi, a god that demands tribute from all who pass before him. One who passes by a Jombi idol without leaving something as tribute will have bad luck, one who takes Jombi's gifts is accursed, and one who takes the idol itself is doomed.
If a pc passes by a Jombi idol without paying tribute, at some inopportune moment when they need to roll dice have them roll a random different die type than what is called for. To determine which die to use roll a d6 where 1=d4, 2=d6, 3=d8, 4=d10, 5=d12, 6=d20. Do this two or three times during the session. The bad luck runs out after this.
If a pc decides to steal any of the trinkets around the idol, every roll they make will be made with a random die type using the method posted above. The only way to remove this curse is to return the trinket along with every possession the pc has to the idol it was stolen from. If the pc dies before this can be accomplished, in 1d4 days the head of the dead pc will go missing and a new Jombi idol will appear where the pc died.
If a pc decides to steal the idol itself, in 1d4 days the pc will wake up headless (no save) with a new Jombi idol at their feet. The stolen idol will disappear from inventory to be restored to its original location. At this point, the dead pc and all his possessions will be considered property of Jombi and attempting to remove either the body or anything it has will result in that pc being cursed (see above).
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
the tome of kemco seika
Some say that Kemco Seika was an especially eccentric sorceror. Some say that Kemco Seika was a dungeon janitor for an incredibly OCD dungeon keeper. The truth is no one really knows about Kemco Seika aside from the spells left in his spellbook.
Valued more as an eccentric novelty than anything useful, the Tome of Kemco Seika contains 11 seemingly pointless or extremely specific spells.
epor - this spell causes a length of rope, no more than 10', to act as an immovable rod centered directly below a trap door. this spell is reversible. caster needs rope and a trap door
humana - this spell causes the caster to become invisible to subhumans ONLY on bridges over bottomless pits.
terra terrakk - this spell causes all globes in the same room as the caster to crack open along the hemisphere.
illumina - this spell causes a cheesy flashing light effect but only seems to blind animated stone golems.
motari riseth - this spell causes statues which are already submerged in lava to rise to the surface.
cloudisi - this spell causes clouds to surround the caster which renders him invisible only to the stupidest of onlookers.
stillini - this spell paralyzes ONLY giant cave spiders
thundede - this spells emulates the sound of a loud thunderclap
telemaze - this spell transports the caster from inside a maze to the entrance of said maze but ONLY if the maze is behind a church.
dolldoll - this spell is used to extract information from dolls. most dolls have no information.
o' sesame - this spell is used to open an entrance but no one has found the entrance that this spell opens.
*content shamelessly stolen from uninvited and shadowgate and yes i am aware that kemco-seika was the publisher and not the actual gamemaker but it sounded better this way.*
hello world. making this blog for 2 purposes a) to kill time at my job and 2) as a centralized location for ideas that i have (mostly related to gaming) because i constantly lose all the little post-it notes and things i write down throughout the day.
tldr; first post - nothing to see here
tldr; first post - nothing to see here
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