Tuesday, September 4, 2012

xp progression stuff

All characters progress at the same rate.

0         lvl 0                825    lvl 11
20       lvl 1                950    lvl 12
50       lvl 2                1100  lvl 13
100     lvl 3                1250  lvl 14
150     lvl 4                1400  lvl 15
200     lvl 5                1600  lvl 16
300     lvl 6                1800  lvl 17
400     lvl 7                2000  lvl 18
500     lvl 8                2250  lvl 19
600     lvl 9                2500  lvl 20
700     lvl 10

At level 1 players pick which type of character they want to play: Warrior, Scholar or Survivalist, also if their bonus number count* is less than 0 they can choose an additional perk for every increment up to three; ie a player with a -1 bonus number count can choose 1 perk, a player with a -3 can choose 3 perks, a player with a -15 can choose 3 perks.

Starting at level 3 and at each additional odd numbered level, a player can choose 1 perk OR raise one of the 6 main stats 1 point (18 max).

*referring to the sum of the bonuses on the 6 main stats when the character is initially rolled

Doling out the xp

Showing up on time - 1d10 bonus xp at the beginning of the session
Victory** in an encounter - 1 xp
Clever solutions to problems - 1 xp
Finding decent secrets - 1 xp
Victory** in a boss battle/extremely difficult encounter - 5 xp
Completing quests - 10 xp

**victory doesn't explicitly mean murder; victory can be achieved through talking, evasion, trapping etc

With the exception of the showing up on time bonus, all xp is given out at the end of the session

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