Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Jombi Idol

While treading in places rumored to be haunted or cursed or for unknown reasons abandoned, occasionally one will pass this small shrine.  Typically placed on an altar or dais this small box with strange jagged doors, which are always open, contains a cyan skull with a red bejeweled turban.  Scattered about this idol are many small trinkets of varying degrees of value.

10000 hours in paint. meka leka hi meka hiney ho

It is said that these idols are collectors for Jombi, a god that demands tribute from all who pass before him. One who passes by a Jombi idol without leaving something as tribute will have bad luck, one who takes Jombi's gifts is accursed, and one who takes the idol itself is doomed.

If a pc passes by a Jombi idol without paying tribute, at some inopportune moment when they need to roll dice have them roll a random different die type than what is called for.  To determine which die to use roll a d6 where 1=d4, 2=d6, 3=d8, 4=d10, 5=d12, 6=d20.  Do this two or three times during the session.  The bad luck runs out after this.

If a pc decides to steal any of the trinkets around the idol, every roll they make will be made with a random die type using the method posted above.  The only way to remove this curse is to return the trinket along with every possession the pc has to the idol it was stolen from.  If the pc dies before this can be accomplished, in 1d4 days the head of the dead pc will go missing and a new Jombi idol will appear where the pc died.

If a pc decides to steal the idol itself, in 1d4 days the pc will wake up headless (no save) with a new Jombi idol at their feet.  The stolen idol will disappear from inventory to be restored to its original location. At this point, the dead pc and all his possessions will be considered property of Jombi and attempting to remove either the body or anything it has will result in that pc being cursed (see above).

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