Some say that Kemco Seika was an especially eccentric sorceror. Some say that Kemco Seika was a dungeon janitor for an incredibly OCD dungeon keeper. The truth is no one really knows about Kemco Seika aside from the spells left in his spellbook.
Valued more as an eccentric novelty than anything useful, the Tome of Kemco Seika contains 11 seemingly pointless or extremely specific spells.
epor - this spell causes a length of rope, no more than 10', to act as an immovable rod centered directly below a trap door. this spell is reversible. caster needs rope and a trap door
humana - this spell causes the caster to become invisible to subhumans ONLY on bridges over bottomless pits.
terra terrakk - this spell causes all globes in the same room as the caster to crack open along the hemisphere.
illumina - this spell causes a cheesy flashing light effect but only seems to blind animated stone golems.
motari riseth - this spell causes statues which are already submerged in lava to rise to the surface.
cloudisi - this spell causes clouds to surround the caster which renders him invisible only to the stupidest of onlookers.
stillini - this spell paralyzes ONLY giant cave spiders
thundede - this spells emulates the sound of a loud thunderclap
telemaze - this spell transports the caster from inside a maze to the entrance of said maze but ONLY if the maze is behind a church.
dolldoll - this spell is used to extract information from dolls. most dolls have no information.
o' sesame - this spell is used to open an entrance but no one has found the entrance that this spell opens.
*content shamelessly stolen from uninvited and shadowgate and yes i am aware that kemco-seika was the publisher and not the actual gamemaker but it sounded better this way.*
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